Hulda Bittencourt
Ballet de alegre entretenimento lembrando uma época com toques de comicidade.
Ano de estreia
Hulda Bittencourt
Ballet de alegre entretenimento lembrando uma época com toques de comicidade.
Ano de estreia
Artistic name Hulda Bittencourt, she began her studies with Maria Olenewa, a pioneer of classical ballet in Brazil. She specialized in classical, contemporary, and folkloric dance with renowned national and international masters, in countries such as England and France, and in various teaching methods, including that of the Royal Academy of Dancing. She danced in several groups, including the Ballet de Cultura Artística. She also participated in operas, operettas, musicals, having worked for many years in the Victor Costa Organization (tv). Among her many choreographic works, "The Nutcracker" stands out. In 1984, she received the APCA award for best piece and best choreography of the year. Director and founding partner of Estúdio de Ballet Cisne Negro, a school with more than 50 years of existence, a reference in the teaching of dance in Brazil, with the Royal Academy of Dancing method, in 1977 she founded Cisne Negro cia. de Dança, where she is artistic director, performing all over Brazil and in the 4 continents, with the recognition of the critics and the public, nationally and internationally, which established the group as one of the best dance groups in the country.
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