Project Lived Memories, is a sharing of stories, trajectories, and relationships of some of the countless artists and personalities who have contributed to the characterization of Cisne Negro Companhia de Dança as one of the most important contemporary dance companies in the country.
Through a series of video testimonials, recorded by the invited guests themselves. The goal of the project is to tell the stories and personal memories of artists and personalities who helped in the formation and trajectory of the company. Obviously, in more than four decades of operation here are brought some of the artists and personalities "creators" of memories, artistic and intellectual content. However, the desire is that this project will grow exponentially, and that new testimonials will be added from now on. The video testimonials were recorded during the social distancing due to the coronavirus - COVID-19, they are about one to eight minutes long and address the central theme of the project - involvement, activities and stories with the company - the material was collected and organized by choreographer, dancer, cultural journalist-researcher Cesar Dias - idealizer of the project - under the general direction of Dany Bittencourt, artistic director of Cisne Negro Companhia de Dança.