Cisne Negro Cia. de Dança in the 8th Edition of the Music on the Road Festival


The Cisne Negro Cia. De Dança will be at the 8th Edition of the Music on the Road Festival, March 23, 2019 at 8:00 PM
at Teatro Amazonas, with the show Mrs. Margareth. Music and other arts connecting people.

It has been eight years promoting accessibility, audience formation, and musical improvement through the exchange and appreciation of artistic content from various regions of the country. Considered one of the most relevant projects in the north of the country and already incorporated in the calendar of many cities, the 8th edition of the Festival will take place from November 2018 a May 2019 in the cities of Boa Vista, Belém, Manaus, Brasília, and Porto Velho. The artistic program will emphasize classical music, also offering scenic arts and instrumental music, in parallel to the traditional music and dance workshops and master classes.

Presented by Caixa Seguradora, the Festival Música na Estrada 8th edition is a realization of the Federal Government, through the Ministry of Citizenship, via the Rouanet Law, and Kommitment Produções Artísticas.