Dany Bittencourt and Rui Moreira
Original Soundtrack
André Mehmari
Fábio Namatame
General Direction, Script and Scenic Conception
Jorge Takla
Nicolas Boni
Graphic Design and Visual Communication
Paulo Humberto
Special Participations
Ana Botafogo and Daniela Severian
Cast of Cisne Negro Cia de Dança
André Santana, César Dias Cirqueira, Clarissa Braga, Edson Artur, Felipe Silva, Giovanna Perez, Isabel Lima,
Isabelle Dantas, Leonardo Silveira, Luiza Ginez, Mariana Paschoal, Murilo Nunes, Renato Lima, Willian Gásparo.
With a title taken from the letters of the name Hulda Bittencourtthe show is formatted in five blocks: H represents horizonte. On this board, Jorge Takla explores Hulda's struggle and perseverance to achieve her dreams. U, from união, portrays Hulda's achievement in creating the Cisne Negro dance academy and the partnerships that ensured the institution's success, such as that of her husband Edmundo Bittencourt and her daughters, Dany and Giselle. L materializes the lHulda has allowed herself the freedom to lead the company, inaugurated with many men and eclectic choices of repertoire. Dfrom dance is the plurality of the Cisne Negro, which does not favor only one style, but the various dance manifestations that exist. The closing takes place with the THE which symbolizes the amor e devoção de Hulda pela arte. “Hulda representa a diversidade de estilos, a força e a luta da mulher conquistadora em uma companhia de dança – que por si só já sofre preconceito em um país machista”, diz o director Jorge Takla.
Ano de estreia