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09/11/2022 | 20:00 - 10/11/2022 | 22:30
"Goitá" which has artistic direction by Hulda Bittencourt and Dany Bitencourt, scenic direction and dramaturgy by Beto Andreetta, from Pia Fraus, idealization and choreography by Ana Catarina Vieira, artist who participated in both companies, choreography assistance by Patrícia Alquezar, creation of puppets by Dino Soto, soundtrack by Quinteto Violado, with special reference to Dudu Alves, musical arrangements by Cesar Maluf, and costumes by André Santana, Atelieles e Balletto, is another show of new proposals by Cisne Negro Cia. de Dança.
The challenge of integrating the languages of dance and popular puppet theater could only come from a company that during its 42-year trajectory has always dared to venture in the construction of its own artistic language.
"Goitá" continues this innovative and eclectic profile of Cisne Negro Cia. de Dança.