Rui Moreira
Considered by critics as one of the most representative Brazilian dancers, Rui Moreira began his trajectory in São Paulo, with Cisne Negro Cia. de Dança. During the 13 years he danced with the renowned Grupo Corpo, Rui Moreira became a dancer who symbolized not only the company from Minas Gerais, but also Brazil. With his technique and expressiveness, he became recognized even abroad as the Brazilian interpreter par excellence, capable of being a soloist with identity even in the most homogeneous of casts. In June 1999, however, Rui entered a new phase. He left Grupo Corpo to dedicate himself to a career as a creator, at the head of Cia. Será Quê? He now develops his own repertoire, besides choreographing for other dance groups. Rui's independent career already adds up to several achievements. In his transition from creature to creator, he has demonstrated a special sensitivity to Brazilian culture, whose diversity has become his main source of inspiration.