Cisne Negro Cia. de Dança, will offer a free schedule of activities and interactions with the public via social networks


The new agent of coronavirus was discovered on 12/31/19 after cases were reported in China. The virus causes the disease called coronavirus (COVID-19) and its new mutation caused a serious global health crisis that spread rapidly worldwide, generating a pandemic. Many countries saw themselves in the obligation and need to create a way to minimize the advance of the pandemic, in Brazil the "Plano de Contingência Nacional para Infecção Humana pelo novo Coronavírus COVID-19" was adopted.

This contingency plan for people in social seclusion is to reduce the transmission of the new virus, a drastic measure, but essential and efficient in this dark period we are living in. Gradually, the Brazilian states are mobilizing to contain the advance of COVID-19. Thus, many have already decreed a situation of social isolation and quarantine. With this, most of Brazil has stopped and is now trying to adapt to this new situation in all segments, jobs, and services; in the cultural sector it is no different.

Amidst the situation of social isolation and quarantine, the cultural sector - like all others - is trying to reinvent itself to keep dialoguing with the public and showing that even in dark moments, art and education will still always be fundamental tools to guide us. Thus, dance companies, theater groups, bands, choirs, orchestras, artists - among others - are looking for ways to stay close to their audiences, and the most used tools are the social networks.

The program will be entirely free and offered - online - in their social networks. Within this scope will be available classes of; classical ballet, Brazilian popular dances, Yoga, physical conditioning being all classes taught by the artistic body of the company. There will also be chats with the cast, interviews with emblematic characters of the dance, testimonials from directors, choreographers who have created for Cisne Negro, former members and health professionals.






The program will be entirely free and offered - online - in their social networks. Within this scope will be available classes of; classical ballet, Brazilian popular dances, Yoga, physical conditioning being all classes taught by the artistic body of the company. There will also be chats with the cast, interviews with emblematic characters of the dance, testimonials from directors, choreographers who have created for Cisne Negro, former members and health professionals.

I borrow this line from the thinker, Leandro Flores, as a guide for our moment;

"A people without art and culture is a people that does not exist." Therefore, culture is a crucial factor for the human being. For it is through it that we find the various artistic expressions, present in the homologation of individuals and social groups".
